Fran Mira

Hey, I'm Fran Mira

I'm a software developer with a solid experience in backend with Spring Boot, creating robust and efficient technological solutions.

My passion is software development and technology in general, and I love learning new things, like astro which is the framework I've used to create this website.

From Spain with love. ❤

Everything you have to learn to be a web developer

Backend Development

Build and manage powerful applications using Java and popular open source frameworks like Spring Boot and tools.

Web Development

Construct websites and web apps, from the basics of HTML and CSS to the latest features of the modern web.


Work with databases, web servers, and even the basics of creating a web app.

Development Tools and Artificial Inteligence

Use dev tools like Git, Bash, Postman, Inteliji. Then, learn how to apply AI to your projects.


Deliver software faster and more reliably with DevOps practices like CI/CD, testing, docker and kubernetes.

Soft Skills

Collaborate effectively with people and teams, and navigate your career path successfully.

Learn some technologies with me! 😊